And here I sit, in front of the laptop, tired and yet revitalized by the short walk home from the MRT station. Today, I think, is one of those rare occasions where you feel you are at a point in life where there is going to be a change. Where something just touches deep within you. These are words formed deep in the heart but do not easily make their way out of the mouth.
I have had the fortune of learning under an awesome mentor at work, and today, is her last day at work while I have 2 more weeks before I leave the organisation to prepare for my last year in school. This is a tribute of sorts, I guess, though it is unlikely that she would ever chance upon it. Her name is Chen Yanying.
What is so wonderful about this mentor of mine? In a short span of 10 weeks, she has taught me many things - knowingly and unknowingly. She has let me observe and try for myself how it is like to walk the line between professionalism and friendliness. She has shown me that the workplace can be a place where you can find some warmth in a den of lions. She has allowed me to sit in at meetings and see firsthand how things really work. She has let me participate and do things that a full-time staff will do; and how she gives credit to me in emails and tries to allow me, an intern, some voice. Her seriousness and capability at work inspires me, and I think I will remember for a long time the look of concentration upon her face while she focused on her tasks. I am in awe with the way she organises her things, and she has shown me how important this skill is, amongst many other things. More than a few light bulbs have flashed across my head in this short span of time, and I am very glad that I have had the chance of knowing her, with her quirky humour, unique cackle of laughter and strong arms (that are just like a man ^^" - she ignored the guy who'd said it). I will miss seeing her in the office; I will miss having the opportunity to ask her about things I am unsure of; but I know clearly that all good things must come to an end someday. Life goes on, regardless. I wish her all the best at her new job, and most of all, I want to thank her, for all she has taught me.
I look forward to the next time when I will see her again, probably with some baked goods in hand that she had made with her oven.