January 27, 2008

Forsaken, a haunted estate filled with multitudes of grievances and sadness. A place where only the owner visits at times to rant, and sometimes to cry. People may slink by once in a while, but they never ever leave their footprints behind. This makes the owner wonder; Am I surrounded by hidden agendas and ulterior motives, many of which I have chosen to sideline?

It's ethereal, it's reality - It lies between the fine line of what's tangible and what's not. The existence of such a place can't be denied, but what exists within could be.

With oft, it seems that though the venue lingers, the eyes are not upon it. And the owner feels such disappointment, for this has thus failed in its duties.

The owner wonders why; Am I so insignificant that no ones bothers about me? But no answers would be given and wild thoughts continue to wander.

Trapped, alone. There's no greater wish than someone who understands, who cares for and someone who could see and comfort the hidden person locked away under masks of confidence and joy.

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