Relationships, what are they?
An interesting thought occurred to me today. Open up your palms and place them side by side, right next to each other. Look at the lines.
Look at them carefully.
Relationships are like the lines on your palms. These lines crisscross, and are embedded with varying levels of strength into your palms. The deep ones long-lasting, the faint ones changing ever so often.
Your palm resembles you, and the lines your relationships. Every line represent a person, and the depth of the imprint left upon the flesh are indications of how deep a relationship you have with a person. When the lines cross with others, your relationships inter-mix. You'll form groups, and that group together creates more markings on you than individuals do.
You may ask why, and the reason is as simple as basic science gets.
A group simply occupies a greater surface than one lonesome line.
Most have three major lines on each of our palms, and I believe that these three lines belong to anyone who'd marked you significantly. The relationship with these three special person does not have to be an eternity (there's no such thing as it anyway) nor does it have to be your family or your loved ones. It could represent a place, an inanimate object, any living organism in the world, anything that left such a strong memory of themselves in your life.
Because, despite most first reactions and thoughts, a relationship does not have to be with another human being.
You may not have noticed, but the lines on our palms changes. New lines are marked, but the old ones almost never fade away. This curious fact appeals to me, because I believe that one simply does not forget about another. They simply cannot recall. Like how we focus our attention to the new markings upon our skin, we fail to take the old ones into sight. But that doesn't mean that the ancient isn't there.
We bring these markings on every journey we take, even till death.
Such a similarity the lines upon our palms bear to a relationship... how curious...
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