May 28, 2008

Today marks the death of my young, but very precious external hard drive. It's the first item I'd bought with my very first salary that I had gotten from my first experience at work, so it's kind of sad.

More importantly, the hard drive died with all my effort, hard work and precious things in it. My songs, videos, program files, school stuff, contact numbers... everything... is gone.

The long hours that I spent into typing out all my fan-fiction stories have all gone to nought, for the entire folder labelled 'works' is trapped in that failed hard drive. This is the hardest fact for me to accept, for I had just gotten into the mood for writing again yesterday and this had to happen... I'm at a loss for words...

Those stories that I'd lost... they were my heartaches, my emotions, my feelings, my efforts, my works and my pride and joy.... and each of them represented something I wanted to convey.... It feels worse than the death of someone I know.. because ultimately, this death belongs to me and me alone. Ever wondered how you feel if you die?

. . . . . Sometimes... I just hate technology. The irony... when technology is becoming more and more advanced, it seems that it gets worse and worse in terms of quality and shelf-life. Hell... My house's washing machine that's almost 20 years in service is still functioning fine, and the dear hard drive that I bought during December last year is dead!


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